An open letter to Satoshi Nakamoto, whomever he, she or they may be.
I would like to open this letter with a thank you and a warning.
Thank you for creating this amazing world changing technology we call Blockchain, and for giving it freely to the world.
Thank you for giving us the tools we need to free ourselves (if only a little) from those that would call us Money launderers, Tax avoiders, Drug dealers and Terrorists.
I think sometimes we forget why and how all this started and find ourselves dwelling far too much on the “what can it do for me”, after all isn’t that exact thinking what got us into this mess in the first place?
SATURDAY'S: PRESS TIPS AND COMMENT - Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks
Sat Jan 3, 2009 9:25am GMT
Your place in all of this is far better served as an anonymous figurehead as whether you choose to come forward and speak your mind or stay anonymous you will be hunted, threatened, used for others best interests. Stay hidden my friend let the world deal with the revolution you have started it has been a long time coming.
Despite all that has come before Ladies and Gentlemen we find ourselves at a crossroads of sorts, do we argue amongst ourselves and bicker like small children or do we use the tools we have been given to change this world for the better?
Core or Classic? Ethereum or Lisk? Dash or Monero? Doge or Potcoin?
Centralisation: “is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision-making, become concentrated within a particular location or group, keeping all of the important decision-making powers within the head office or the center of the organization.”
Decentralisation: “the process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority.
While centralization, especially in the governmental sphere, is widely studied and practiced, there is no common definition or understanding of decentralization. The meaning of decentralization may vary in part because of the different ways it is applied.”
The choice my friends is solely in your hands.
All of us.