There are several threads about how to get more women on board with Bitcoin.
Here's an example of our typical demographic representation:
- thought this recent report might help with people's thinking about it.
If the husband is working abroad to support a family, it will be the wife handling the remittance payment (i.e., women receive remittances transfers much more often than men).
Money guard: Women sometimes ask friends or family to hold cash for a certain period of time. They often do this to
keep an accumulated lump sum safe, and they worry that, if they hold the money, they will end up spending it or that
someone in their household might take it.
Women feel empowered and independent if they have the freedom to spend their money as
they like, without undue demands from family and friends.
‘I can hide my money but he still finds, so I have to hide it very far so he can’t know where it is.’
– Kenyan woman describing her husband
Women in low- and middle-income
countries are 21% less likely to own phones than men.
35% of Kenyan women interested in trying MFS cited a
lack of identification or other documents as their main reason for not opening an account,