Phinnaeus Gage
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
March 02, 2013, 04:55:11 AM |
Explains why Josh's wife quit her job and hangs around the lab daily, hence always available for lunch with coders from Oz on tour.  Sabrina Again, I'll be the troll and point out the lie. Josh says this is "a mistake" caused by a newbie CS agent. Hmm... I guess BFL_Jody is also a newbie....oh wait...shes been around since the FPGA Singles came out and works as General Manager for Customer Service....oops. What BFL reps need is a good class in how to lie effectively. Here is Jody pointing out the May to June timeframe. There is also a post on BFL's forums of Josh Acknowledging it., but then again I am a troll for pointing that out. Yikes, there is gonna be some explaining to do.  It's not like their offices are down the hall from one another. Sometimes there's a communication gap between what each writes in the official forum. Sabrina's new, still getting her broom closet in order. Jody has to make sure coyotes don't get her chickens. Josh is jockeying for position to take the first flight to Mars, hence putting in more hours in the air. Nasser's trapped in Paris, although he's planning another trip to Italy to be on hand to welcome in the new Pope. And Sonny is teaching two-year-old Indy how to scratch off Lotto cards. Now, please leave these people alone, for them busy folks. Bonus humor: I wonder if the bumping facility reads this forum.
MooC Tals
March 02, 2013, 05:18:48 AM |
I love witty humour. I wonder if BFL was a hotel it would be called Faulty Towers?
Monster Tent
March 02, 2013, 05:25:23 AM |
Explains why Josh's wife quit her job and hangs around the lab daily, hence always available for lunch with coders from Oz on tour.  Sabrina Inb4 kano was caught bumping his wife.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1001
March 02, 2013, 05:28:51 AM |
Fly or Fail, it's all in BFL's hands. Let us pray for a miracle. (....the world is holding its breath) ^ I got my miracle today. ^Nice!!! So they shipped all 300 and customers are mining on them, right? Oooohhhhhhh, sorry...I forgot Avalon missed their timeline as well...
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1001
March 02, 2013, 06:13:51 AM |
Fly or Fail, it's all in BFL's hands.
Let us pray for a miracle. (....the world is holding its breath)
Nice!!! So they shipped all 300 and customers are mining on them, right? Oooohhhhhhh, sorry...I forgot Avalon missed their timeline as well... Ooo,I see alot of boxes with FANS in them  Karma's a bitch ain't it 
"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day long, you are the asshole." -Raylan Givens Got GOXXED ??"An ASIC being late is perfectly normal, predictable, and legal..."Hashfast & BFL slogan 
The-Real-Link (OP)
March 02, 2013, 06:37:36 AM |
As updated per Josh and that other thread near mine, Bumping is now completed. We'll await details for the next step, thanks. OP updated.
Oh Loaded, who art up in Mt. Gox, hallowed be thy name! Thy dollars rain, thy will be done, on BTCUSD. Give us this day our daily 10% 30%, and forgive the bears, as we have bought their bitcoins. And lead us into quadruple digits
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
March 02, 2013, 06:41:25 AM |
March 02, 2013, 07:48:32 PM |
No no they are done bumping they said. Keep up things are moving along now.
Activity: 4676
Merit: 1858
Linux since 1997 RedHat 4
March 03, 2013, 06:19:42 AM |
Explains why Josh's wife quit her job and hangs around the lab daily, hence always available for lunch with coders from Oz on tour.  Sabrina No, she might be more educated than you are. She's a doctor. The one day I had lunch with Josh AND his wife (as I said here: http::// ) was Friday - the day after KC was completely closed. The streets were still pretty empty and few people were going out. Her practice was closed Thursday and Friday
Phinnaeus Gage
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
March 03, 2013, 07:06:36 AM Last edit: March 03, 2013, 07:17:42 AM by Phinnaeus Gage |
Explains why Josh's wife quit her job and hangs around the lab daily, hence always available for lunch with coders from Oz on tour.  Sabrina No, she might be more educated than you are. She's a doctor. The one day I had lunch with Josh AND his wife (as I said here: http::// ) was Friday - the day after KC was completely closed. The streets were still pretty empty and few people were going out. Her practice was closed Thursday and Friday It seems I messed up with the humor, Kano. I was relying upon memory, recalling you dining with Josh's wife twice, thinking both times were lunch. I see now that one time was dinner. For the record, you can safely assume that Josh and his wife are a lot more educated than I am, albieeet me smart. 
Third Way
March 03, 2013, 07:40:46 AM |
Why do men have nipples again? 
blease resbond -> 1BYJKxpntNn6TZbM5M5CWkEb8vr8vDcBrr
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
March 03, 2013, 12:34:01 PM |

March 03, 2013, 12:35:25 PM |
for the record josh was hired couse his a deciving cunt just like is wife at bfl
to lie and lead on the succkers
there is a incredible ammount of deleting and censoring goin on bfl forums aka north korea style
u not lick bfl ass? ur done baned etc
oh and not to forget JOsh mean time is running eclipse mining pool so having none els to do then lieng about delivery dates
have come up with the idea to host ur asic miners oneces and iff they get delivered
on his pool and for 7 times the electricity cost
make sure u punish the cunt now that u know
Welcome to the forums and so glad you with such a warm outlook on things. It's very refreshing when the new people are so helpfull
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
March 03, 2013, 04:18:51 PM Last edit: March 03, 2013, 06:08:39 PM by DontMineMe |
Shall we tolerate this kind of obvious insult on Josh and his family? This is totally above and beyond what would be considered acceptable on this forum. OP please delete your thread, or Mod please clean this garbage. This nonsense has gone wayyyy toooo far!
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1001
March 03, 2013, 04:31:19 PM |
for the record josh was hired couse his a deciving cunt just like is wife at bfl
to lie and lead on the succkers
there is a incredible ammount of deleting and censoring goin on bfl forums aka north korea style
u not lick bfl ass? ur done baned etc
oh and not to forget JOsh mean time is running eclipse mining pool so having none els to do then lieng about delivery dates
have come up with the idea to host ur asic miners oneces and iff they get delivered
on his pool and for 7 times the electricity cost
make sure u punish the cunt now that u know
Sorry, I can never take anyone seriously when they have large quantities of grammatical errors in their statements. I've bolded the spelling errors, and I've underlined sentences that don't flow (or make sense) for your convenience. It's by no means fixed after all my added adjustments, but maybe it'll get you into your 3rd grade English class. On a side note: I've always wondered this, but why do people use shorthand when typing on a keyboard? Like "ur" and "u" it really that hard for some people to type out "your" and "you"?
Activity: 1890
Merit: 1003
March 03, 2013, 04:45:59 PM |
Shall we tolerate this kind of obvious insult on Josh and his family? This is totally above and beyond what would be considered acceptable on this forum. OP please delete your thread, or Mod please cleane this garbage. This nonsense have gone wayyyy toooo far!
You think this is bad? Wait till you read Inaba's posts....
March 03, 2013, 04:51:34 PM |
u not lick bfl ass? ur done baned etc ...
My one moment this weekend that was pleasurable. 
"Bitcoin has been an amazing ride, but the most fascinating part to me is the seemingly universal tendency of libertarians to immediately become authoritarians the very moment they are given any measure of power to silence the dissent of others." - The Bible
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
March 03, 2013, 05:20:24 PM Last edit: March 03, 2013, 05:33:29 PM by DontMineMe |
Shall we tolerate this kind of obvious insult on Josh and his family? This is totally above and beyond what would be considered acceptable on this forum. OP please delete your thread, or Mod please cleane this garbage. This nonsense have gone wayyyy toooo far!
You think this is bad? Wait till you read Inaba's posts.... Sir, I have been reading your posts, you can be quite informative and I appreciate your contributions! Yes Josh can be vicious at times but this, IMHO is not an excuse for this type of attacks. PS: when you asked Josh to remove personal reference to you from BFL forum, I was totally on your side cause I do believe it's a no go!
Activity: 1890
Merit: 1003
March 03, 2013, 05:49:26 PM |
Shall we tolerate this kind of obvious insult on Josh and his family? This is totally above and beyond what would be considered acceptable on this forum. OP please delete your thread, or Mod please cleane this garbage. This nonsense have gone wayyyy toooo far!
You think this is bad? Wait till you read Inaba's posts.... Sir, I have been reading your posts, you can be quite informative and I appreciate your contributions! Yes Josh can be vicious at times but this, IMHO is not an excuse for this type of attacks. Actually, I agree with you. PS: when you asked Josh to remove personal reference to you from BFL forum, I was totally on your side cause I do believe it's a no go!
Unfortunately, Inaba is the one who did this to me more than once. A moderator edited out Inaba's posts more than once for this. I do believe in your sentiment as I too had the same thoughts when going through the above posts. That is why I didn't follow PG's way of doing things or "give him more rope" to his posts. As you can maybe understand, Inaba kept doing it over and over again against me and my family. So honestly, I don't really care [too much] if it happens to long as I am not the one doing it to him. If you'll note, I never call him by his full name even if it is known. In either case, I do believe he has since been banned since he has not come online in quite some time. As I mentioned before, I do believe you'll be surprised if you actually read Inaba's posts. ----------------------- Moving beyond that topic. I don't believe the woman on the broom is his wife (he is is that even joking). I believe that is Sabrina the teenage witch. (well in this case, not teenage anymore) The photo is tiny (and I am bad with faces) but that is as much as I could figure out.,_the_Teenage_Witch_(TV_series)
Phinnaeus Gage
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
March 03, 2013, 05:57:43 PM |
Shall we tolerate this kind of obvious insult on Josh and his family? This is totally above and beyond what would be considered acceptable on this forum. OP please delete your thread, or Mod please cleane this garbage. This nonsense have gone wayyyy toooo far!
You think this is bad? Wait till you read Inaba's posts.... Sir, I have been reading your posts, you can be quite informative and I appreciate your contributions! Yes Josh can be vicious at times but this, IMHO is not an excuse for this type of attacks. Actually, I agree with you. PS: when you asked Josh to remove personal reference to you from BFL forum, I was totally on your side cause I do believe it's a no go!
Unfortunately, Inaba is the one who did this to me more than once. A moderator edited out Inaba's posts more than once for this. I do believe in your sentiment as I too had the same thoughts when going through the above posts. That is why I didn't follow PG's way of doing things or "give him more rope" to his posts. As you can maybe understand, Inaba kept doing it over and over again against me and my family. So honestly, I don't really care [too much] if it happens to long as I am not the one doing it to him. If you'll note, I never call him by his full name even if it is known. In either case, I do believe he has since been banned since he has not come online in quite some time. As I mentioned before, I do believe you'll be surprised if you actually read Inaba's posts. ----------------------- Moving beyond that topic. I don't believe the woman on the broom is his wife (he is is that even joking). I believe that is Sabrina the teenage witch. (well in this case, not teenage anymore) The photo is tiny (and I am bad with faces) but that is as much as I could figure out.,_the_Teenage_Witch_(TV_series) The image is of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I thought the humor would have been obvious. I just penned the below before I found this post. good one. you know BFL CEO is a former convict? that would have been flag 1 for me.
Having Sonny on staff was not a concern to me. Cloaking it, then him coming here and posting his intent, stating a followup is forthcoming, yet never came, caused a greater concern. BFL is littered with a myriad of anomalies, but that doesn't make them a scam. My hope is that they continue to produce vital products that'll secure Bitcoin's future. When I post my drivel directed at them, it's either for humor purposes or to keep them on their toes, letting them know that not just trolls, naysayers, etc., are keeping a watchful eye on them. ~Bruno K~ Also, I wouldn't penned anything personal about Josh's wife even if I did know her name which, at the moment I do not, but would do so only if BFL turned into a meltdown. Peace, all. ~Bruno K~