its mind bothering .
What's actually "mind bothering" is your insistence on giving advice (and attempting to point out mistakes of others) when you yourself clearly have no idea what you're talking about. The OP's post had far less mistakes than anything you just said.
1. You sent your transaction with 0 FEE. Why would you do this stupid thing ? Where do you think you are ? 2014 ? 2015 ?
The transaction is already confirmed. What makes you think that it's stupid or that this isn't 2016? Clearly, there was nothing wrong with the OP sending a 0 Fee transaction.
Never send transaction with 0 FEE they will never get confirmed!
Obviously (given that it is already confirmed), you are mistaken.
2. You did not mention what wallet are you using . Why dont you explain that to the people here ?
It seemed likely from the context of the question that the OP is using Bitcoin Core. Additionally, the specific wallet they were using wasn't useful information for answering their question. It was pretty clear from their description (and even more so when they posted the transaction ID) that they were seeing a spent output and nout yet seeing the change from that transaction.
3. Your wallet has been out of sync Why are you atempting to send money from a off synced wallet ? why dont you have to patience for it to sync with the network ? then send money .
I send bitcoins from a wallet that isn't synced all the time. There is no need to wait for synchronization to complete as long as you aren't sharing addresses across multiple wallets, and you don't need access to funds from any recently confirmed transactions.