The following Rollin users received Free Lottery Tickets (Ticket number(s) shown behind the name):13x ADReHaJIuH 491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500,501,502,503
13x Anais_58xi 504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513,514,515,516
4x Barcode 517,518,519,520
3x BitLab 521,522,523
16x CASIO 524,525,526,527,528,529,530,531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538,539
2x Dress 540,541
3x Erikalui 542,543,544
Gio999 545
2x LondonGeezer 546,547
Mayglia 548
4x RefbackTeam 549,550,551,552
Scarface4 553
2x SergiuS 554,555
2x SimpleRed7 556,557
4x Xanidas 558,559,560,561
6x aRp 562,563,564,565,566,567
2x angayan17 568,569
artcode 570
3x ashitha 571,572,573
batakoluck 574
2x gio999 575,576
6x hitava 577,578,579,580,581,582
6x katerniko1 583,584,585,586,587,588
2x kustepuchen 589,590
2x logged 591,592
maksosip 593
2x mpopo 594,595
2x natsag3 596,597
3x only 598,599,600
remoteconsoleXD 601
12x sairji 602,603,604,605,606,607,608,609,610,611,612,613
6x shanem 614,615,616,617,618,619
3x singpays 620,621,622
6x somuchee 623,624,625,626,628,629
3x star2343 627,630,631
timoteo 632
3x vaga7 633,634,635
If you posted your name but didn't get tickets, one of these options is most likely the cause:- You used the wrong format in your post. Use this format: Username: Loyce
- The username you posted doesn't exist on
- You never talked in Rollin Chatter Box
- You have Red Trust on Bitcointalk
- You are Blacklisted for abusing this giveaway
- You have already claimed Free Tickets today
- You posted shortly before I posted this, and your post wasn't there yet when my Scraping Bot checked for new posts. If this happened, your post will be included in the next run.
You can always send me a
Happy Hour:username:Anais_58xi
username: ADReHaJIuH
username: sairji
Username : CASIO
Remaining ticket(s) donated in Rollin Chatter Box:PvP 636,637,638,639,640
Next Draw is at Block 451000.
Lottery pot: 87 mBTC.
Good luck!