Good job, Now DONT SELL IT!
See alot of that happening.
Congratulations for reaching the most legendary status on this forum. It's a really long road if you want reach ever such status. Hope you are not that dumb to sell it like some people did before. Personally I should never sell mine account.
Wow, I didn't know people would pay for account here. But I'm not gonna sell it
Oh and i love how he got it way before me.. i will prob be waiting until 1100 activity etc
Not that i really care though.. i know for a fact i could have been speeding it up
with visiting various forum sections etc ..but i just don't care.
Hahahah go cry about it somewhere else you shill. You are beneath me
Congratulations. I guess that you can use your account to join in a signature campaign and earn good BTC to spend
Huh? What are signature campaigns
Congratulations. You have reached the highest rank on this forum. Unfortunately, I have the lowest forum rank but I am happy with your success.
Thank you, low rank member