Pfff, there is not even profit in icos compared to a good longterm pow-coin.
Not to disagree with your ICO premise but alot of "good" POW coins many people absolutely lost their shirts on. I remember when Monero was selling for 5 dollars a coin in its early polo days and it plummeted to pennies over the course a few months, I remember when Darkcoin hit $20, now it's sitting at $8. Litecoin maxed out at what, $30-40 or so? Now it's $5.40. Even Bitcoin went from $1,000 in late 2013 to $250 a year later.
I know I know, some people will say "well you should have been a better trader", but not everyone is a daytrader or checks their investments every 24 hours, some just want to buy something and forget about it for 6-12 months minimum and frankly so far in that regard most crypto projects are terrible investments. That's not to say they may not explode in value if you give them a few more years but so far most are easy ways to lose your wallet.
However I WILL say if the software is that damn good, no matter how crooked its origins it won't matter of it has a real world use case. People can whine about Bill Gates stealing DOS 40 years later but it didn't hurt Microsoft's stock in the long run. In the end that's just all soap opera babble, if something is that good it can change society or make other people money it will succeed.
Also one more comment on the POW thing, there's been a heck of alot more "ninja launch" POW scam coins than ICOs over the past few years, the thing with ICOs is they generally are bigger marketcaps and more players so obviously more attention and more FUD gets on them. But i'm not going to cry for miners, there's been plenty of crappy cottage industry coins for them to mine and dump on noobs for years and I don't see it going away anytime soon.