The Gnosis token sale ended at a theoretical 312.5 Million valuation.
2) Only 4.17 % of all tokens have been distributed to you early investors, the other 95.83 % of the tokens is in hands of the Gnosis team.
3) The Gnosis team now owns 299 million USD in artificial token value. They've invested 0 USD.
4) In contrast, the investors who paid 100 % of the money, invested and own 13 million USD in tokens.
5) Let me be more clear: You paid 31.25 USD per Gnosis token and as a collective, have only received 4.17 % of all tokens.
6) Now take a seat before you read number 7
7) The actual value of the Gnosis tokens is 13 million USD (this is all of the actual money brought in by the investors) divided by 10 million tokens. That means each individual token now has a factual value of 1.3 USD.

As of now, your net result on your investment is -95 %
9) We did warn you: - You triggered the worst case scenario in this graph
10) And warned by /r/ethtrader
11) But you just didn't want to listen, did you