As we all know elliptic curve cryptography is vulnerable to a quantum computer. For a conventional computer difficulty of breaking 256-bit key equals 256/2=128 bits. For a quantum computer it's just sqrt(256)=16 bits.
Bitcoin address is a hashed public key of 256-bit EC. Hashes are resistant to quantum algos, so while someone keeps his public key unknown it's OK. But when he wants to transfer his money he must reveal the key.
Some things need clarification:
A 256-bit EC key has an effective security level of 128 bits against brute force attacks. EC keys can be broken in minutes regardless of the number of bits, theoretically as long as the QC has enough qubits.
A hashing algorithm such as SHA-256 would be reduced to the sqrt of 256-bits which is 128 bits,
not 16.
Grover's. So any hashing algorithm or public key system that does not rely on factoring is as secure with double the bits.
Banks do not store your money via public/private keypairs that are accessible to everyone. Arguing that banks will be insecure is downright stupid. Yes their
websites will be insecure, but the money will be fine. Bitcoin is far, far more vulnerable than the traditional banking system to quantum computing.