Dear Trumpcoin supporters this will be a true test of our ability to help Trump; This is a LONG SHOT but we had better pay attention:
SUMMARY: They may be trying to steal Arizona and Michigan, and then use special powers to flip 9 electoral votes away from Trump. THERE IS A REASON WHY THEY HAVE REFUSED TO MAKE THEIR TOTALS OFFICIAL. THIS IS NOT OVER YET
http://results.azcentral.comTrump won Arizona. Why has it not been made official? Trump won Michigan. Why has it not been made official? They are calling the counts "unofficial," WHY? This could be the answer:
The following was posted to a popular forum:
I am writing this not to alarm, but to inform. I believe the Cabal is going to attempt to steal the election, and I'll describe how they plan to do it below. With this information I believe we need to bring our force to bear, and prevent what the Cabal is planning. I've included information below that details actions that you can take to help stop them.
There are currently 3 states that have not declared a winner of the presidential election. The states are Arizona, Michigan, and New Hampshire.
I've done some digging. On the Guardian's electoral map, checking each precinct, in each state, all precincts are completely reported. There is nothing, therefore, from stopping the officials in those states from declaring a winner.
Looking at other sources of information, however, and we get different results. For Arizona, shows that 2 precincts are NOT reported. There are 1467 precincts reporting out of 1469. Which is correct? Why hasn't the Secretary of State declared a winner?
For Michigan, it appears that all precincts have reported, but still, no winner has been declared. You can go to the NY Times interactive map, and see that they are listing the Trump victory chance at 92%, aka likely... not even very likely.
And same thing for New Hampshire, 100% of precincts reporting. Still not called.
HERE IS THEIR PLAN - The Cabal plans to either delay these states then force recounts and find "missing ballots" and switch all of these states to Hillary. That won't make a big splash in the news because Trump has already won the election.
BUT THEN - This leaves Trump up by only 9 electoral votes. And they have already created the notion that TRUMP LOST THE POPULAR VOTE - SO... a majority of Americans wanted Hillary. They will force 9 (going to House, Ryan selects Hillary) or 10 Electors to switch their votes to Hillary (bribes, or the popular vote was for Hillary, threat of death - maybe photos of the other people Hillary has killed).
AND THEN - Hillary is declared as President. The media will say this is shocking, but it is only fair as she "did win the popular vote".
SO, what to do? One, we need this thread pinned. Then we need to start spreading this news so people are aware of this, so this is not surprising when they execute their plans. Then, people need to contact the offices of the Secretary of State below, and find out information about why the Secretaries haven't declared a winner. We need these state to declare a winner. Trump will go up by 27 electoral votes, and it would be too difficult to force 36 Electors to flip their votes to Hillary.
We've been celebrating, relaxing, appreciating a rest from the exhaustion of this election. BUT IT IS NOT OVER. Let's do our duty and force this issue now. We cannot let them steal this election. We have won... but it ISN'T OFFICIAL YET.
Office of the Secretary of State of Arizona
1-877-THE VOTE
[link to (secure)
Office of the Secretary of State of Michigan
888-SOS-MICH; 888-767-6424
Office of the Secretary of State of New Hampshire
Phone: 603-271-3242
Fax: 603-271-6316
Click on the image below to see 100% that the story I posted about Newsweek 1 week ago was true!