Every place I've tried today to buy bitcoins has failed. Coinbase this morning and now even Bitinstant. This is the error I get from their system:
500 - internal error
An internal error has occurred and the server can not handle your request. If you were attempting to perform a transaction then please contact support immediately for assistance. Technical details of the error have already been recorded by our system and will be analysed as soon as possible. We regret that for security reasons it is not possible to disclose more details on the precise details of this particular incident and we apologise for any inconvenience.
Are these places put together with bubble gum and duct tape?
Scalability doesn't have to be hard, but developers tend to concentrate on making things work, not making thing scale. (Security also tends to get short shrift.)
You have no idea how many DBAs I've run into that have no idea how to tune a query.