So I was looking the other day at NAV coin. A lot of press came out lately. The dev team describes their coin to be a truly anonymous,decentralized, Proof of Stake X13 cryptocurrency. Well, Monero is aiming to be an anon coin as well and yet that is sitting on a market cap of 23 million, while NAV only has a cap of 0,5 million. They are releasing their mobile wallet for Android and IoS in the coming months and seem to be miles ahead of Monero, but seriously lacking in community.
I can't read code, I have read some opinions about anon coins being a myth, so I am asking the wonderful people here on BCT for their opinion about this coin.
Nav's code looks like a optional mixer service built in,'s tech is more complex than the standard mixer style service.
Nav is Proof of Stake verses Monero Proof of Work,
Proof of Stake is the only way to make money in the long run , buying Sterile BTC or Tokens that can not make more of themselves is Pure Speculation.
Example: It is like a farmer buying a herd of cattle that are sterile. He only makes money if the market is higher when he has to sell, if the market is down
when he has to sell , he just wasted his Time & Money, where if he buys a herd of cattle that can produce Offspring, he is able to keep his original amount of cattle
and sell off any excess , therefore giving him a Lifetime of Revenue verses a One-time Completely Speculative Time Sensitive Investment
Neither Nav Coin or Monero can truly guarantee being anonymous for the following reasons.For a truly anon solution which monero claims but can in no way truly achieve.
These reasons are why all anon fails.
Your IP address is not anon,
Your Browser info is not anon,
Your Email Address is not anon,
Your Bank Account which you linked is not anon,
Your address where you mailed or received goods is not anon,
there are no guarantees the person that did business with you did not sell your identifiable information.
All anon solutions will fail til they can solve all of the above. Basically Nav Coin or Monero will hide what you are doing from the casual observer,
however Neither will hide you from the Government's ability to Cross Reference your non-anonymous information.
But Proof of Stake does make it a better investment than Monero, IMO .
Navcoin is having some glitches at the moment , would wait to see how that plays out before buying any. like their new code has a Bug.