...One option is to switch to Ethereum which has an impeccable development team and has announced plans for unlimited scalability...
"impeccable" - in some random persons opinion. In that same way, "the Fed has a impeccable leadership team," assuming you believe some random writer at the NY Times, like perpetual inflation at the whim of a random person who happens to be appointed at this point in time. Rules that can be changed on a dime are not rules. Rules that can be changed when someone doesn't like the outcome of the rules, aren't rules and set terrible precedent going forward. The "easy" solution in the short term is often a bad solution long term.
"unlimited scalability" - let's see how that turns out. Bitcoin could have unlimited* scalability (and did for a while and was hit with spam) but with unlimited scalability the block chain would be in the multi-hundred TB range by now. There is a cost to everything, someone will pay it one way or another. TANSTAAFL.
*no such thing in reality