I dont wanna troll or FUD but there is something bad going on with ZNE
these twitter accounts @kononovaital89 @nailyazykova192 @shestakovgarol1 @GordejGushhin they are tweeting the same things about $ZNE all of them are registered in August 2016,
tweeting this
"Thinking about getting into $zne set a really low buy order just don't think it'll hit.. Don't wanna miss what should I do"
the same with these accounts also
@avgustgavrilov3 @fomazaicev1989 @jdanovadiamara3 @matryonafilipp4 @samoilovstanis2 @zaicevillarion6
also all of them in August 2016 joined
"Okay, i'm in! $ZNE"
Another bot tweets about $ZNE
@stefaniyakoval6 @NovikovStraton @kulaginotton192 @ErastBorisov @agafyabelozero2
same reg date as all the other clone twitters
tweeting this " $NEOS $ETH $BTCD $ZNE sweet boys now..
@Juho_Koo tweeted the same and he is registered since April 2014, so prolly he is the handler , but it just a specullation anyhow, $ZNE start looking No go for me , do your own homework and make your decisions
Someone it seems is trying to create a hype , for some reason..
Sorry, millions of users on Twitter and you show about half a dozen that are pretty much irrelevant in crypto, maybe a few dozen real followers. Obviously they a shilling but it's gonna take a hell of a lot more to shake this tree. Not to be disrepectful, thanks for the research/input. But I find it to be completely meaningless.