I recently received my OPENDIME hardware "bearer bond" wallets. These are a limited version of a hardware wallet. That thread is here:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1452987.60I briefly review my experience on Page 3, there are reviews and instructions (and discussion) there at the thread as well as their website.
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The OPENDIME is a very simple & cheap way to hold some BTC in relative safety. But, it requires, as far as I can tell anyway,
another wallet that must have the ability to import the Keys.blockchain.info's wallets do, it took me some time, but I figured out how to do that (import the Keys from my OPENDIME so I could get my funds out, I was experimenting to see if I could do that).
My questions are:
-- Other than blockchain.info's, are there other online wallets that can import Public and Private Keys?
-- I was NOT able to find those functions on my Trezor nor Ledger Nano. Do either or both have a way to import the Keys?
Many thanks!