its mean that Bitcoin is not safe like Forex for example in Forex company XM.COM if they scam me there is Supervisory bodies that secure you if any company scam But Bitcoin there is no Supervisory bodies To Secure you
You are confused.
Bitcoin is not a company. Bitcoin is a money.
Bitcoin is safe like gold.
If you have gold, and you secure it so nobody takes it from you, then you can keep it. It doesn't stop being gold, and it doesn't disappear. It doesn't need a supervisory body, it simply exists.
If you give your gold to a company or person, then you need to trust that the company or person will be competent and trustworthy and will give you back your gold when you ask for it. It can be helpful for a company or service to have a supervisory body. Even with a supervisory body losses can still occur, but if the supervisory body does a good job then it will be less likely.
If you have bitcoin, and you secure it so nobody takes it from you, then you can keep it. It doesn't stop being bitcoin, and it doesn't disappear. It doesn't need a supervisory body, it simply exists.
If you give your bitcoin to a company or person, then you need to trust that the company or person will be competent and trustworthy and will give you back your bitcoin when you ask for it. It can be helpful for a company or service to have a supervisory body. Even with a supervisory body losses can still occur, but if the supervisory body does a good job then it will be less likely. Unfortunately, most bitcoin companies and services don't have to answer to a supervisory body. Therefore, it is up to each person to be careful and decide for themselves if they trust a person, company, or service with their bitcoins. If you don't trust the company, service, or person, then don't give them your bitcoins.
You keep asking "is the bitcoin is really safe" and saying that "Bitcoin is not safe". I keep telling you that
Bitcoin is safe. What you choose to do with your bitcoin might not be safe.
MtGox was a company. MtGox lost bitcoins.
Bitcoin was safe and secure. MtGox was not secure.
Bitfinex is a company. Bitfinex lost bitcoins.
Bitcoin was safe and secure. BitFinex was not secure.
BitFloor was a company. Bitfloor lost bitcoins.
Bitcoin was safe and secure. Bitfloor was not secure.
BS&T was a ponzi scam. BS&T lost bitcoins.
Bitcoin was safe and secure. BS&T was not secure.
MyBitcoin was a bitcoin wallet. MyBitcoin had design flaws.
Bitcoin was safe and secure. MyBitcoin was not secure.
Cryptsy was a company. Cryptsy lost bitcoins.
Bitcoin was safe and secure. Cryptsy was not secure.
Bitcoinica was a company. Bitcoinica lost bitcoins.
Bitcoin was safe and secure. Bitcoinica was not secure.
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