Hello All,
just getting into bitcoins/**coins etc.. and I have guiminer running on 2 machines right now but had a question regarding CPUminer.
I downloaded the windows 64bit binary files from this thread
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=55038.520and when I run minerd.exe I get a command prompt window telling me that 4 threads started using the 'scrypt' algorithm but then immedietely it says
"HTTP request failed: couldn't connect to host"
followed by:
"json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds"
I see nothing in what I downloaded besides the executable and 2 .dll files... can anyone offer any advise on how to get this up and running? I know cpumining is very slow compared to GPU mining but I have access to several machines that just run off of integrated video.