I was just scammed by the user CheapShit -
bitcoins@post.com. I sent money via PayPal but didn't get my coins. I sent as a gift so I can't dispute the transaction.
PayPal: "We're sorry, but this transaction cannot be disputed because it is not a purchase of goods or services. Please contact the recipient directly."
But how can that be?!? There were no red flags whatsoever in CheapShit's offer!
It's not like he was a newbie....oh, wait..he is!
Well, then it's not like he was forcing paypal...oh wait..he did...
Well, it's not like he claimed to have Magic Security "measurements" to protect both parties...oh wait...he did!
Sorry you got scammed, txoomy, but for the love of Satoshi, get your head out of your ass, man.
Newbie+PayPal+vague security promises = DON'T F*CKING DO IT + RUN THE F*CK IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION