I see two issues.. Western Consumption (or 1st world Nation consumption)
2nd of all is we have "rising* countries / nations / regions.
We have them watching us in Canada and thinking we want what they have !
So who are we to say we can live in Luxury while you live in mud hut ?
I worked for Value Village around 2005 and i had to unload the bailer/compacter when it was full of clothes that were pulled off the store floor daily that did not sell.
Every single day.. all day we produced 1,000 lb bails of clothing.
I was the only staff member who used the forklift aside from a supervisor and a manager.
So i had to load all those bails on to Rigs with long trailers.
Where did the shit go ?
I was told Africa !
I also seen on TV the African clothing markets where they sell the shit to each other.
So at some point these other countries are going to get sick of "hand me downs"
Look at Google or Facebook etc.. they are working over-time to bring Internet access to various places.
I don't blame them so much for over-population but that does concern me a little.
We are nothing but a disease.
We are maggots breeding rapidly on a spinning lump of rotting shit we call earth.
It's spiraling out of control gradually.
Check this out from PBS (The Current Mass Extinction)
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/03/2/l_032_04.htmlOne part of it points out how the population will double in something like 45 years.
That is fucking nuts and we are deep shit fast !
Another part of the problem is the decimation of wild life plant & animals.
We need to make a corridor for the animals to migrate north & south on North America.
Or they get trapped in regions then die off.
We are just seeing now that the importance of animals and trees etc are important.
Bee's for example are dying off and are needed for a lot of crops.