Sure, you only need the private key of your address. Most wallets allow to import private keys easily.
You could also use a vanity address generator to determine the first letters for your address. You'll find the software for Win, Linux and Mac on around, seems that thing is a trojan.
I have downloaded and scanned the windows binary I got from github using the link on that page in the past. AFAIK, it was clean back then.
Did you scan it yourself?
I've read quite some pages from Reddit and other sources, seems the whole thing is giving away your keys somehow.
I won't even try the online services... tried one with 6 letters and email came after few minutes, so funny.
Are you sure those reviews weren't talking about sites like bitcoinvanitygen (.com => don't go there!!!)? Those sites are a bad idear indeed, because they actually know your private key, so they could potentially steal all BTC stored on this addres if they wanted to.
vanitygen.exe is a binary that is developed by a guy from this forum ( I haven't read all 150 pages of his announcement thread, but i've followed it from a distance. I've never read any accusation agains him or his tool, and i'm sure it has been used with great success by many promininent members of this community. I'm pretty sure dozens of developers have already gone trough his complete sourcecode and AFAIK, didn't find any problems.
It's open source, you can download the sourcecode, read everything, compile it on a clean linux box, unplug the box, generate your address and format the box...