In this thread ( I showed a strange feature of Bitcoin signature checks. This "feature" can be used to compress transactions while being transferred (more than 95% in some extreme cases)
The idea is to create a new pseudo opcode OP_COPY_SCRIPTSIG. OP_COPY_SCRIPTSIG has a single argument which is the index of the input whose signature script must be copied.
OP_COPY_SCRIPTSIG must be interpreted by the Satoshi client and must be replaced by the exact signature when the Tx is received. so it's transparent to the script verification routines. When the transaction needs to be forwarded, it's compressed again. The use of this pseudo-opcode does not change any transaction verification rule nor it implies a hard fork.
How does it work?
Suppose Alice wish to compress her transactions. She asks the users who send her bitcoins to send her money with a trailing OP_CODESEPARATOR in the output scripts. The Satoshi client is modified to consider this scripts as standard.
Now if she wants to collect a hundred unspent outputs, she just sign the first input scriptSig and fill the remaining scriptSigs with { OP_COPY_SCRIPTSIG,0 }. The same signature can be used in every input, as long as all of them were sent to the same address and have a trailing OP_CODESEPARATOR in their output scripts.
Since each scriptSig uses normally about 100 bytes, she uses two bytes instead for almost all of them, saving 98% of the scriptSig space.
The output script normally used for "change" can also be compressed, but with lost of anonymity. The idea is to use the pseudo-opcode OP_COPY_SCRIPTPUB that copies the script of one of the output scripts of the previns.
E.g: A transaction with two inputs and two outputs (one is returned to the sender as change) looks like this:
Input 0: Previous tx: f5d8ee39a430901c91a5917b9f2dc19d6d1a0e9cea205b009ca73dd04470b9a6, Index: 0,
scriptSig: 304502206e21798a42fae0e854281abd38bacd1aeed3ee3738d9e1446618c4571d1
Input 1: Previous tx:e2ac980643b0b82c0e88ffdfec6b64e2ac980643b0b82c0e88ffdfec6b649f2dc, Index: 0,
scriptSig: { OP_COPY_SCRIPTSIG,0 }.
Output 0:
Value: 5000000000
scriptPubKey: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 404371705fa9bd789a2fcd52d2c580b65d35549d OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
Output 1:
Value: 134
scriptPubKey: { OP_COPY_SCRIPTPUB,0 }.
Best regards, Sergio.