Wow, hey welcome back PieCoin,
this is so great, it's exactly what my girlfriend fortuned: after this hard work one needs at least two weeks of regeneration.
And it is so cool because I cannot stop my interest on and engagement in these pies; sometimes I don't know why... it's just a feeling.
So I finished building a PieCoin GUI Wallet for the Raspberry Pi (running Ubuntu 16.04 Mate) a few hours ago, I would call it Raspberry Pie
It's really cool having some PIE's staking quietly at a Raspi 3. Maybe it works at a Raspi 2 too, this has to be tested.
This new Raspberry Pie Wallet connects to a lot of actual seed nodes and is up and running from scratch in about 30 minutes (depending on network speed).
I am looking forward to doing more help. This Coin is great!
But for making this message not too long and showing my reply and happiness not too late,
I will post info concerning the Raspberry Pie in a following reply.
btw: not a native speaker, so please excuse for language oddities