The last couple of days, litecoins have exploded in value from less than a dollar to almost 4$ today! Will this continue and which crypto currency, if any, is next to boom, do you think?
In my opinion, a currency is like a network and its value is determined by how many people that use it or how many people speculators expect will be using this currency in the future. And here, there are other factors than only network size or hashes per second at play. The technology is also important and I think that one of the positive things about litecoins is that transactions are confirmed faster than with bitcoins. Which techonological benefits do the different currencies have and which parameters will be the relevant for determining a winner or the winners in the long run?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this!
I am very bullish on almost every crypto, including btc, ltc, nvc, nmc, ppc, trc, and most importantly, bte