Hi Golem. Help me please, I gave you one of my servers to test the operability of resource leasing. It's been a week now that all-inclusive hasn't even given a single coin, not even 0.000001 GLM, is it just a scam?.. If so, I'll prepare an article about your excellent work!
https://stats.golem.network/network/provider/0x9420cb85bab76285698c768a916dd57522d03e9aYou write that you support POLYGON, but in fact only MAINNET and does not give anything else. Wonderful! If everything will continue to work for you for Ether, you will dig a hole for yourself with these commissions!
The resource leasing is a marketplace where requestors can request resources based on the resources needed and the price the requestor is willing to pay.
This sounds like your price is too high.
We do support Polygon and Ethereum.
If you need anymore help, please check out our Discord at chat.golem.network
We’re back for this month's update on the GLM Rewards Program! Each month we offer rewards (in the form of GLM tokens, averaging 20k per month) to the community members that are getting involved in the ecosystem.