I have sent 33886.97633764 CJ for swap with XBR. Details below:
Send Address: CdBeJRbtZagaFXHiNrXn7bsuszyjTPZ4af
Amount: 33886.97633764 CJ
Fee: 0.01 CJ
TransactionId: 50e9b2752461afe933dae2e76c7e5cc3f88fac92c52d2c4f8e19b41294b9ec1f
My XBR address: BFQ3QTcagENmFXZqFG7aAzfYmFWTUcJ9mk
Best regards,
Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 5 nodes
Date: 10/3/2018 12:36
Debit: -34564.71 XBR
Transaction fee: -0.01 XBR
Net amount: -34564.72 XBR
Transaction ID: 9372681a28c8719ba52aa2c309482410d74425dd9ad8e0214c583f85f2b4781e-000
Sorry for the delay
want to ask that when are we going to see XBR ticker on CMC (
? PacCoin has done it already....
Can the original team/developers shed some light on the progress and what can be the expected date...
Great Coin! Great Team! I am a long term Hodler of this coin.... #ToTheMoon
"Does the cryptocurrency have at least $100,000 USD equivalent of daily trading volume on exchanges? *"
They have changed their requirements now, which is why we're waiting.
We're doing what we have to, You can join our discord for latest updates
https://discord.gg/tcK3yz6We're on
https://www.worldcoinindex.com/coin/bitrewards for now
and thank you for being a long term holder, we will do our best and won't disappoint you