The user changed his account details recently,the account is hacked possibly.From his previous feedbacks,the user seemed to have a good trading history until the account was sold or hacked.Hope the DT members will tag the account soon.
Although, the user changed their password: The account is
NOT hacked.
FeelTheBeat1 used the same wallet 1JyTLQXtDA4dSkJSPGMwsyPHCHfy4hJxcj as in his profile and same as in previous transactions.
Highly possible this user decided to turn scam.
Lots of people do that here, I honestly believe 95% of this forum is set up that way, to scam with trust farming, several accounts, fake feedback, fake loans/payoffs, fake ico's all sorts of shit~nothing surprises me anymore.
Doubt the guy cares about his account. Edit to add: Because it was a bought account. But, let's see how this rolls out in a day or at worst 2.
Edit#2: OP FIX your feedback! Leave the accurate amount~not some made up bullshit because you got scammed. And delete the useless. Thanks!