lol, this coin has all the noobs confused because they never seen a pow distribution in their life - all they know is ico scams
so you being an experienced user why don't you shed light to noobs like me as i am not a grand dad when it comes to virtual currency
Sure. To put it short:
Genesisblock was mined 2 or 3 days ago. This means there are almost no coins created yet.
Supply and demand make price. In this case supply is more volatile over the next 2 months than demand ever could be therefore supply will dominate price.
It is in your own selfinterest to take a very close and hard look at the mining payouts the coin generates and do some numbers. Use your brain to try to predict how the scheduled inflation could impact the price.
Not knowing the exact emission is a fly by night operation.
In zec the rewards come with a little twist during the first month - very important to know.
ICO-coin means: coinsupply is created from thin air at the push of a button. It's not trustless. You have to trust the dev to not buy his own ico (think about this).
Pow-distribution means coins are created in a decentral manner by mining only (instead of centrally issued like ico) - so in the beginning no coins are mined and more and more come to market.
Emission will drop in zec like in bitcoin every 4 years by 50%
Crypto is nice because if you understand moneycreation policy in the coin, predicting markets becomes a whole lot easier.
Some people go as far as to analyze the blockchain and movement of coins on chain to try predict market moves ahead of time.
In crypto all fundamental numbers are public knowledge and easy to access - that's why it's easier to trade than stocks for example.
Just sink your teeth in the miningrewards and how they pay out over time and try to create models from it for possible pricemovement. It helps a lot. There is also tons of data of older coins available to learn from. It's not new.
In the end of the day handsome profits can be made for good traders because it's roughly predictable how things would play out.
You just need to be a little bit smarter and act better (be better educated) than the majority.
To trade successfull longterm you need some kind of information edge. Try to get the edge by knowing about moneycreation in detail. It's an option.
Lots of people have that particular edge - if you don't have it you're having a real hard time with the market in my opinion.
Supply creates the price just as much as demand does - sometimes even more. If you break it down to most simple level: there is only supply and demand in the market - nothing else.
Understand inflation (supply) as it's the lesser understood force, that is all. Every fool understands the concept of demand but supply needs some knowledge and thought.
Don't ask links, use google.