Indeed. I've yet to see any evidence that the Mormons - or almost any religion - have done so, however.
Well, Maybe the Wiccans. They're pretty cool. And no mass-murders in their - albeit short - history, either. Their religious tenets are actually quite similar to my political ones.
It's hardly grasping at tenuous straws to point out a mass murder that was a) perpetrated by a group of people professing a certain belief system, and b) incited by that same belief system.
PS Mormons are great preppers. They open their food canning centers to the rest of the public too. How nice of them!
They are. Have you asked one why, though? The answer should be enlightening.
Have you looked for any such evidence, or do your jaundiced eyes only see 150+ year old ancient history, to the exclusion of less sensational, but far more relevant and positive, recent data?
The old pagans practiced human sacrifice. I can see why Christianity, with its forgiveness this and golden rule that, looked like a pleasant alternative to those bloody rituals.
You can't compare old time Mormons, hounded to the ends of the earth by intolerance strongly resembling your own, to comfortable modern Mormons.
They don't (officially) practice polygamy, for a start.
As I said, the only contact I've had with LDS was in the course of my grandpa's funeral. Why they are great preppers didn't come up.
But the fact that you need to dissect their motivations for a behavior with which you agree amply demonstrates your propensity for Purity Policing and letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.
IMO. Have a good one mrykul!