Not to make light of those who actually are victims, but that survey was absolute bullshit. The study referenced (or at least one of them) was done at my University (The University of Maryland) and a few of my friends actually took the survey that gave the 1 in 5 figures.
One of the questions was if you had ever had sexual activity with someone and then regretted it the next day, and that counted that as sexual assault/rape. Another was if you had hooked up with someone under the influence of alcohol, with which you wouldn't have otherwise. That also constituted sexual assault.
I just remember talking about the survey being bullshit after friends took it. The most obvious flaw, was that they characterized all things as sexual assault. Regretting having sex with someone the next day, but being of complete sound mind at the time and consenting is considered sexual assault now? There were some iffy questions on there as well, mainly alcohol related stuff. I suppose its really up for debate after how much liquor can someone truly legally consent to something. I dont remember what factor that played, but I wouldn't be surprised if they considered any sexual relations after any quantity of alcohol as rape.
all men had a mandatory ~3 hour lecture about it afterwards.
TLDR: The study was extremely flawed, and its just good shocknews. Does rape culture exist? Maybe, but the study referenced was complete trash and should be tossed out and redone by competent people without an agenda. I'm not sure what their agenda would have been in publishing the misleading study, but I refuse to believe that anyone is as incompetent as those who made the survey and scored it.