Hello everyone
Unfortunately, it has been so long since WORM has been active that there is not much any of us can do about it at this point. The only thing I can really do is tell you, the only people who actually really gave a shit about WORM, a heads up on what I will be working on next for a while. I have been gone for a couple years now and things have changed a lot since then. It appears Tokens are the thing everyone likes now
So to do my best to salvage the situation, I will be starting up a new project that you guys can get into first to help me test and earn bonuses for the first big payout
If any of you remember PrimeChain, it had a web mining faucet; that was always one of my favorite ideas, so I've decided to expand on it. Instead of posting a bunch of stuff in this message (since I'm guessing a lot of you are going to be super pissed at me), I'll just give you a link to see for yourselves
https://dadsarefat.comIf you feel like we need to sort our issues out personally, please feel free to send me a PM on here or, for a far quicker response, on Discord. The best I can do is 10x the rewards for the bonus period and let you guys know early. This is a token on Binance Smartchain (BSC) and I will be making a new thread for it on Sunday, but I wanted to give the WORM community a chance to mine it before anyone else for the 10x reward period for the first month
I apologize for the way things went down, but the world has changed a lot in the last couple years; I'm going to do my best to do right by all of you guys who have stuck around. Thank you
If set up properly, your mining page should look something like this:Your BSC/DADBOD Address should be clearly visible on both the top and bottom of the page