Dear Sirs,
Many thanks for your time which you spend to post your opinions.
All your thoughts require a deep understanding of, and have all the chances of implementation.
We analyze every thought, even if it is the assertion that the earth is flat. Gold is found among the rocks. It is so important. And if this is important and we grasp it, then we can't ignore it.
Let's imagine a world without art. Without colors. There are only numbers and letters. Seven billion people with names like this: 1BnafFLUHcKYngkdCEeobR76b53LETtpyT. 34 shades of Caps Lock. What's your opinion about such world?
Meaning and sense, that's what attracts us and it's our nature, even if we solve the problem of the "reverse", questioning everything, just in case
Money, as a universal method of exchange of products of labor should not be a private monopoly, don't you think? So why each one created in the image and likeness, born to create and build, should be deprived of the right to create their own banknote and put their implication on it?
We assert that everyone has the right to dream and to have own banknote. It's honest.
Banknote with the artistic content acquires more value than the same, boring money, even if on them Their Majesties.
Our Chief Justice is Time. Let's see!
Our wishes of success to everyone who born under the Sun!