I completely disagree.
It will never be good for bitcoin PR, if the creators never show anywhere. The truth is nobody can catch the concept & explain the idea better than the creator...
I'll beg to differ.
Often, people who aren't aware of all the technical internals are able to explain things in simpler ways.
I completely disagree. Often these simplifications completely misrepresent the product or result in descriptions which are so vague that nobody can understand the product.
There should be laws such that 99% of commercials are forbidden, because they suggest all kinds of things that are easily falsified in a lab. Take the Windows operating system for example. _All_ versions have been marketed as if they are secure operating systems. Sometimes they used the phrase "more secure", which doesn't mean a whole lot. The fact is that all operating systems released by Microsoft contain fatal flaws. In an ideal world consumers should be able to return the product even if just one marketed claim doesn't hold up.
There's a reason why engineering and sales are different jobs
Yes, it's because the sales people never needed to develop real skills.