1 satoshi fees don't really have much of an effect on the entire network. All the nodes will not relay that unless it satisfies some other minimum threshold requirement (like bitcoin days or time.)
I'm aware of that, but at the same time, I don't like sending transactions with no fee whatsoever.
With the setting I had for the 1 satoshi, it was added onto transactions that needed a fee, as well... so if a transaction needed a 0.005 fee, it ended up having a 0.00500001 fee on it.
It isn't necessarily the amount of the fee, but that the new release, enforces the setting to be at a particular value.
If I want to set the fee to X by default, then that's on me, and let the network prioritize it (or not) accordingly when processing transactions.
My choice what fee I want to add, and the consequences of that, comes with the choice I made.
It seems like the core devs, while often claiming otherwise, still want to impose their ideas of what we should do, rather than us choosing for ourselves.
In any event, I've been wanting to write something that would do raw transactions to handle my dust management in my wallet (which is getting pretty bad by now) by always including the oldest 1 or 2 pieces of dust as inputs to another send I'm doing, to make sure that the 1 piece of change I end up with is larger than the dust that was included... 0.10.0 is just going to make me actually do it instead of think about it.

edit: the 1-satoshi fee I was mainly using for transactions that were very low priority... when I didn't care if it took a couple/few weeks to confirm. mainly for coin I was sending to cold wallet.