I’ve got two running in my office which I bought used and applied this method to restore them both to factory. No idea when they were produced. Can say that neither were hashing at 8.7TH/s prior to the reset, but are hashing beautifully set at 612.
Excellent - I'll check if any of mine or my customers are able to do so as well.
I've successfully repair the burnt Pci-e connectors on many of these but some of them I think would benefit from a lower hash rate for sake of heat.
I also noticed in repairing a board that the unit came with two stickers - one showing a slightly lower hash rate on top. Is this from a refurb or just a misprint, I wonder.
After resetting yours, you mentioned it's running at 612 - do yours happen to appear to have multiple sets of hashrate stickers on the case as well?