Hello! My name is Andrey Voronkov, owner of DrugDiscovery@home project. We are preparing distributed supercomputing project, which has a goal to couple P2P BOINC technology and Ethereum smart-contracts and blockchain technology.
The project is called Supercomputer Organized by Network Mining
SONM is a decentralized worldwide fog computer for any general purpose computing − from site hosting to scientific calculations. The purpose of SONM is to replace hash-based traditional cryptocurrency mining, which now dominates the blockchain community.
Buyers of computing power get more cost-efficient solution than cloud services (Amazon, Microsoft,
Google Cloud, Digital Ocean etc.) can offer.
We use fog computing instead of cloud, so there is no more need to pay in advance for private and monopolized
cloud computing. Since SONM is fully decentralized, there is no centralized authority that regulates
computing resource distribution.
SONM has hybrid architecture, and thereby supports any kind of computational tasks without facing Ethereum’s
“out of gas” problem.
From a technical point of view, SONM has a top layer of underlying P2P technologies – BitTorrent for data
transfer, modified P2P BOINC protocol as a scientific decentralized computing platform, Ethereum Smart
Contracts as a PoE (Proof of Execution) and consensus system, BitMessage for communication etc.
There is no central control behind the system and no backdoors or escape hatches. Several existing technologies
were combined and modified by our developers to make a new GRIB (GRID+Blockchain) technology.
SONM platform gives all the miners profitable solution.
With SONM you will stop burning your kilowatts for PoW mining and start serving calculations for all distributed
World Wide Web. For those who are confused by difficulty bomb or Ethereum (and many others)
PoS-migration - each miner is suggested most profitable applications and tasks for his hardware. CPU,
GPU, ASIC, even gaming consoles and smartphones can be used for SONM fog computing. All you need is
to set up mining client application and run it.
In terms of providing distributed value for investors, SONM uses its own token SNM, based on Ethereum
In comparison to Microsoft, Amazon and Google clouds our technology can provide not only homogenous computing devices (like Tesla K80 Nvidia devices on Amazon), but optimize tasks usage over distributed computing cloud of different devices (including consumer), which can be universally used for different computing purposes
There will be pre-ICO pre-sale and ICO.
Currently we are looking for team more members.
Can you please also give your comments and criticisms on white paper?
We also welcome different new participants of the team.
Announcement on DrugDiscovery@home forum:
TOKEN - SONM (ticker - SNM). ===========================================================================
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TECHNOLOGY- Artificial intelligence (unsupervised DNN learning, learning with reinforcement)
- P2P netoworks
- Grid computing
- Torrent
Please write me PM about your desirable participation, about your skills and desirable compensation.