Above user is a ponzi promoter and shall not be trusted as he adds same kind of structure with his faucet as jeffersonairplane added.
So you're selling a ponzi game for 12 BTC? Are you mad?
Now coming to part of proof how the above user is a scammer :
I posted something in this site's banner contest here:
Afterwards he replied as correct about my proofs thus linking him to Ponzi promoter: donaldbitcoin
your proof for accounts connection is correct.you also posted proof that we paid to member on cetobeto.com
+140 btc, so why we want to scam here for just tiny 0.03 btc

i don't understand why you say it's scam, because we sold out adalso ?
yes we sold out adalso network, this change nothing to cetobeto and other projects.
if adalso now is not active by new owner, that does not change anything to other projects we own and paying on it.
yes using watermark on banners is better for everyone.
Archive of the page containing proofs:
http://archive.is/gg5wN (You will find my proof as well as his statement)
So whoever is interested in buying make sure you make some conditions to be fulfilled before buying or get it checked by someone trusted in Micro-earnings section and has quite knowledge about these things. I prefer it to get it checked by mexicantarget prior from buying it.
Man! You forgot to add, that with site you are going to sell all unpaid balances-
your own debt to users 
Any proof??