I've bough at 114, at first wanted to keep them and watch them rising 20$ per day
so had not sold at 266. When that dream went away I've decided I can't wait for those 4 coins to be worth 100 000
in the future so thought I might start trading them as buying more wasn't a great idea. I'm on 10 now, and as long as number of my coins grow I'm less worried about price rise, if it fails more I'll hopefully make more of them trading and if it reach the point I'm ready to invest from my fiat, I'll add more to them.
That 266 is something that makes me think it's worth to invest some money (for real price though) and loads of my time if I can make some decent number of coins in the run. If it's not worth, well, I'd spend only money I'm cool to throw and I'm hard worker so if all my work would be for small stuff I'll deal with it somehow.