I’m about to start the website
http://ponzi.trade where I’m looking to implement a simple yet efficient automation scheme by utilizing one single btc address and a verifiable algorithm sharing every transaction equally between past present and future, through relativity and beyond. I’ll get right to it;
You begin by investing any amount in the network together with a nickname of your choice. What you invested is then divided by the total amount already invested at that time, calculating your exact fair share of future reinvestment-potential. When the next investment is made you’re eligible a percentage of that depending on the previous calculation. As all calculations are made separate from the btc network there is no delay nor fees when calculating who’s eligible to what whenever an investment is made.
Say you choose to invest $1 when $5 is the total (starting) amount invested by the house. You’re then elgible to 1/6 of the next investment and the house is elgible to 5/6. The next day when Erik invests $6 the funds are split 5/6*6=$5 to the house & 1/6*6 = $1 to you, now making Erik elgible to 6/12, the house 5/12, you 1/12. Oh, now you and the house chose to automatically re-invest $1 respective $6, giving Erik $7 yet now the cake is split 11/19 to the house, you 2/19 and Erik 6/19 next time.
Behind the scenes when an input is triggered it’s value is devided by the total value at that time, giving the user their relative % share of the next input. When that next input is triggered it’s simply multiplied by the previous calculation; Input (b) * (Input (a) / Total input (x)) = Output (a)
I’m inspired by designs like
https://rushwallet.com where users are given personal easy to bookmark url’s. Combine that with a simple frontpage, an explanation of the principle (”Give to the past to recieve from the future”) plus live updated user customizable charts displaying who’s eligible to what and I believe it’s good to go.
The only thing I’m lacking at this very moment and the very reason I posted this here is that I have no experience with bitcoin coding. I’ve checked out solutions such as the blockchain receive payments api, bitcore and bitcoinJS but I’m still kind of clueless how to run this in the most efficient, verifiable and transparent manner possible without the possibility to screw up user funds.
Any constructive thought focused in this direction is highly appreciated