If there is any consolation in this protracted bear-market, it is seeing JimboToronto being persistently proved wrong...
About what now? Shroomskit's age? I thought he said he was 40 when he posted for dating help. That was my last post in this thread (I think).
I don't generally make predictions so it can't be a wrong prediction. I don't post about cryptography or other tech matters unless I'm well-versed in them so hopefully I didn't post something wrong about the protocol itself..
The closest I come to a prediction is to declare a trend reversal a week after it happens as I did today. Even then I usually qualify it with an IMHO or some similar wording.
Perhaps it's because I referred to $700, $500, and $300 coins as being cheap. I'll still stand by that, just as I considered my $151, $128, $105, $95 and $68 coins cheap when the price dropped to $50 last year. Here's a prediction for you: by 2016 $1000 coins will be considered cheap.
I try to maintain a balanced approach to moderate bears and bulls alike. One of my most recent posts was to chide an overly enthusiastic bull about spamming the forum with similar threads. I'm not afraid to call out trolls like Failing, MatTheCat or Dump3er though.
Perhaps it's the fact that I find humor in bears who take themselves too seriously and post humorous images about them. Perhaps it's the fact I don't think that traditional Technical Analysis is necessarily applicable to Bitcoin. Maybe you just don't like my sense of humor.
Please explain how I've been "persistently proved wrong". I respectfully await your response.
TL;DR- Put up or shut up.