1 minuto.
166,386,000 PTCs.
No se recomienda guardar sus monedas a largo plazo en los exchanges u otros servicios online.
Se recomienda ser dueño y tener bajo control sus claves privadas.
Warning: We do NOT endorse storing your coins on exchanges or other online services.
You should always use a storage where you control the private keys of the wallet.
Electrum-PesetaWebwallet Phone wallets CryptoChainer PTC Bootstrap
Hecha por Foroplus 02/04/17http://comercios.pesetacoin.info/Tutorial
https://github.com/FundacionPesetacoin/Pesetacoin_ps_payment_PS1.6Without DateProject Organization- Set up a foundation and offer paid full time jobs
-- CoreCO, CFO, BizDevCO, CMO
-- 10/20 jobs
- Internships for students and recent graduates
- Open a little office to improve coordination and receive big investors/merchants
Business development- Pay with PTC ewhere BTC is accepted
- Similar strategy Dash is using to manage monthly budget.
The more you financially contribute the more value your vote has
Marketing- The spanish Amanda making weekly videos updating the community
- Sponsor youtube crypto/economic spanish channels
- Sponsor and participate in every crypto and financial event in Spain
- Hire a communication agency to have a continued presence in traditional media
- Hire a desing agency to renew the image of Pesetacoin (logo, websites, etc)
- Geocatching game (like
- Most popular games servers (like
- Changing old Pesetas for Pesetacoins
Warning n1: Pesetacoin is not ready for the end user.
At this moment is considered a high risk financial asset, use/invest at your own risk.
Warning n2: We do NOT endorse storing your coins on exchanges or other online services.
You should always use a storage where you control the private keys of the wallet.
Warning n3: You should always have a second copy of your wallet (wallet.dat).