I ran into something strange when I'm downloading block hashes from bitcoin nodes (let's call my script 'BD')
When I'm connecting to (all fallback nodes on the wiki* behave the same way), the following happens:
- BD sends version
- BD receives version and verack
- BD sends verack
- BD regularly receives tx inv's (about 1 per second)
Moreover, sending getblocks doesn't change anything and I still receive only tx
On the other hand, when I connect to my local bitcoin node ( ofc), that becomes:
- BD sends version
- BD receives version and verack
- BD sends verack
- BD receives tons of block hash inv's (yeah, TONS OF THEM)
I didn't even try to send a getblocks...
So, why does my local node behaves differently than the other ones?
(*) all the nodes I tested on
http://blockchain.info/connected-nodes too
Edit: sends me some block headers after a getblocks