TO ALL GMB INVESTORS: STOP SUPPORTING THIS SCAM - ASK YOUR MONEY BACK AT support@coinexchange.ioCOINEXCHANGE.IO IS NOT INVOLVED IN THIS - THEY SHOULD JUST DELETE THIS ICO AS IT'S PROVEN SCAMHello, this is redcastle owner of The Vegan Initiative:'m here to expose fake alt-accounts and spam system involving GMB - Gambleo (ICO running at is what's happening: from the day GMB ICO started, they came to my thread screaming scam and throwing all the false accusations possible.
The only reason is that I am crowdfunding another project on the same website. These users are in particular:
mrmind (;u=300660)
montanajacob (;u=299298)
staceykersey (;u=310981)
This is an example of their posts (that they deleted after I spotted them):
til now nothing as this is a scam
why no one buying ?
Maybe this scam is not a worth
And this is what they post inside GMB thread:
Per year interest of 100% is very good for investors , safe and sound investment + Livecoin , crytopia and yobit addition so the sell pressure will get distributed
Agreed on this , good investment imo
Gambleo is a success !!
With zcash + ethereum + dash intigration to casino and this is what brings them strength
This is nothing more than shilling + FUD. They wanted to take down XVE to make people invest in GMB instead. Even the dev captaincomet posted into my thread:
Why a developer from another coin should post inside my thread, supporting scam accusations and FUD? He obviously deleted this message after I told him!!!
Also, they are spamming this ICO around the forum with stuff like this (username montanajacob -;u=299298;sa=showPosts):
All these users are/were wearing Gambleo signatures. Some of them after being spotted tried to remove any reference to Gambleo but I got proof anyway. I posted into GMB thread here and that's when the weird stuff started to happen. Instead of giving me answers in thread, the developer captaincomet immediately sent me PMs:
In just few minutes he reached "mrmind" (himself) and make him delete his posts (please look at the time in the screenshot):
Since he knows he has been spotted,
after just 3 minutes he started threatening me:
He got nervous. Him and his friends sent me like 2 pages of PMs asking to remove my comments. Since they have been spotted, I was receiving help proposals, they offered themselves to spam in my thread to help me, and suddenly the same people that were fudding XVE started supporting it. It's weird isn't it?
BEFORE, please take a look at the writing style of the following users, do you notice anything? Yes, same writing style (lots of paragraphs/line breaks), same use of space bar before question marks.
(click on the image as it's big) These are all captaincomet (GMB developer) alt-accounts GMB SCAM AND SPAM TEAM:
captaincomet (;u=312849)
mrmind (;u=300660)
MR.CRYPTOmineree (;u=951336)
montanajacob (;u=299298)
staceykersey (;u=310981)
chuckypalumbo (;u=24465)
lordrecluse (;u=313966)
JonHind (;u=40016)
RockDJ (;u=18587)
pajrinn (;u=366291)
silversurferd (;u=314053)
4roxx101 (;u=301418)
An entire history of bought accounts / sleeping accounts can be found looking at few of these accounts, most of them wearing Edgeless/WeTrust/Gambleo signatures.
More about mrmind/captaincomet/Mr.CRYPTOmineree can be found here: the threats they tried to corrupt me proposing help in XVE promotion, full PM reference can be found here (notice how he floods me with private messages and how nervous he looks): PROPOSALS DETAILSFull screenshots of GMB thread showing all shilling accounts in action (notice the scammy behavior and how they try to hide my posts by quoting the announcement - screenshots taken yesterday): screenshots of today (still posting photos of money, same shilling style from different users): are also spamming and misbehave inside trollbox. A worried XVE investor that was chatting sent me a series of screenshots, in the first one you can see captaincomet, disguised as "GAMBEO", talking to himself "Deadpool". This is what happened: Deadpool was making fake questions to himself, but he got wrong and instead of giving answers as "GAMBLEO", he answers as "Deadpool":
In CoinExchange Trollbox, at least 3 users are captaincomet and/or his team, this is the nickname list:
- GAMBLEO (captaincomet)
- wingsao
- Deadpool (captaincomet alt-account)
- StateBank100
- viptraderYou want proof? Here is wingsao and Deadpool throwing fud at my coin XVE, and after they're spotted, supporting XVE out of the blue (as ordered by captaincomet when trying to make me retire my accusations):
SCAM ACCUSATIONS AGAINST XVE SUPPORTING XVE BECAUSE THEY WERE SPOTTED You want more proof? Here's a video of the trollbox chat (just in case someone could say it's photoshopped): will be warned about your scam attempt! Next time, don't fuck with Vegans! COINEXCHANGE.IO IS NOT INVOLVED IN THIS - THEY SHOULD JUST DELETE THIS ICO AS IT'S PROVEN SCAMTO ALL GMB INVESTORS: STOP SUPPORTING THIS SCAM - ASK YOUR MONEY BACK AT