So.. Extremely new to all of this bitcoin such, my proof being that it took me 15 minutes to realize why I couldn't post anywhere except this board. >.<
Anyways, I decided to try out solo mining before I get involved in something such as a pool. (Just to prove to myself that something like this actually works, no matter how small the sum I get.)
I looked for some other topics that relate to my issue, but they're all "My GUIminer doesn't notice my openCL device!" And I already am past that. I have launched bitcoin.exe in server mode, downloaded all the blocks, set me up a login and password, set the bitcoin client path to bitcoin.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\Bitcoin\bitcoin.exe). When I choose solo from the server list, everything looks correct, and I punch in my username and password, (yes, I punch it. I don't type.) And then when I hit Start Mining, I get an error saying it has problems connecting to the bitcoin client.
If anyone experienced using this program, found here: would appreciate any help.. since I can not post anywhere except here. I've added some screenies. of the blocks are downloaded. don't know if there is a very simple setting I haven't changed or what, or I may just be doing it all wrong, lol. But thanks in advance!