Seems at least from the bitcoin core point of view they expect this kinda hostile takeover etc by bitcoinXT and bitcoin unlimited to just be an 'on going' thing
and sounds to me like in the article below they are just gonna ignore it ...(seems price or PRICE...lowering..... hit is not a priority with BTC core devs)
The logic (if I have this right) they say is overall consensus is for seg witness or at least the bitcoin core devs ....from again how I read between the lines on this article
...these other flavors of bitcoin devs are simply trying to muddy the if they can get enough
to fork bitcoin have enough to then be bitcoin major dev till then go away...20-30% of miners are always gonna push for 'hostile takeover' but it is NOT
a hostile take over if you get concensus in 'open source projects' thus..they NEVER will get enough to matter so bitcoin core will ignore.....
catch with that logic is even if true .....the other flavors of bitcoin devs who want in...if say they get 30% of folk to agree...can act as a boat anchor for years to come
on stopping seg witness/higher transaction fees etc..but hey ...seems the way of it ..from the article ...
anyway the can make your own 'delusional' conclusions like myself if bitcoin core really, really is in he camp of 'we don't care about price' and won't respond to these pressure tactics...then we may be in for a long haul of
600 or so BTC and no movement ...with alts eating more of our lunch...
well myself....I will win even if btc goes to $1 on my btc hoard..only thing I have into BTC now is time/money/hobby ....mined my way out since 2013...
Still damn annoying to watch $$$ dispear in this 'nerd fight' on bitcoin code....poof ....there goes the $$$
Oh well .never thought I'd get the BTC I have gonna go with my alternate mantra of delusional ego protection and denial on all this FUD
cheap coin/cheap coin/cheap coin
vs my prefered mantra
(good to have a delusional hobby/viewpoint I guess...always covered in the future no matter which way the wind shifts)