i dont understand wtf is on going in this coin. about last 3 months always pump % 20 in 30min. and drop the same price again. than continue to drop...
Thats repeat always .
who is manipulate this coin ?
why is this happening..
this coin may be has really good tech but lost his trust...
Only using for manipulators for f.. investors.
i think no one will buy it anymore .
Who it is?
Probably all these fair exchanges that are in existence or that little group that has 98% of all the supply.
Remember there is no regulation, and they can all do whatever they want.
If they say tomorrow, well we are going to ban it, you have totally no rights.
You just lost all your money what you put in to it.
Who will buy it?
Probably nobody, maybe some lost investor that get suckered in or a gambler that put in some money looking for fast money.
You right, tech fundamentals maybe better than others, but in the big picture viacoin is probably done.
Some hardcore fanatics will defend viacoin till the bitter end, but updates are lacking past months and ask yourself who is using viacoin really? nobody.
It's just a software product that can be used as a source of income for the ones that own a exchange or the ones that have almost all the supply.
All the others just paying the price for hope and nothing else than that.
It's gambling not investing.