To list Bitdirect on Cryptopia it would cost 2000000 dot, that`s about 4.2 btc. Cryptopia needs to lower the dot price, that`s way too much. has gotten back to me, it will cost 0.25 btc to add Bitdirect. Anyone willing to donate btc to add Bitdirect to Coinexchange please reply. I don`t have much, but can donate 0.05 btc, leaving 0.20 btc for anyone else who wants to donate. are already listed on CryptoDAO, if anyone wants trade right now.
BTC/BITD: can donate some if you will share btc address to listing purpose.
Anyway need some updates to attract more people to this project.
Just. I can donate 0.25 btc, or 0.5 btc, or 1 or 2 or 3 btc. Before i do it, i want to get snapshop of blockchain and take a look to dev's wallet.
Project is real good, but we need an guarantees.
I really took part in the life of the community, but BTC donate is real money (and not so small).
Or, dev, if you want - there is some dev's company with idea a "dark contract" (Symbiosis of ether and cryptonight). If you want, i can to advertise BITD, as a good transport for swap (sorry for my english, i'm trying to not use google translator).
Sorry for russian
Ecть paзpaбoтчики кoтopыe дeлaют нeкий гибpид эфиpныx cмapт-кoнтpaктoв, нo пpи этoм движимoй вaлютoй являeтcя вaлютa нa aлгopитмe Cryptonight. Чecтнo гoвopя, я нe ocoбo пoнимaю зaчeм этo нyжнo и чтo oни xoтят (и caмoe глaвнoe - кaк, xoтя кoшeлёк yжe видeл), нo им нyжнa гoтoвый блoкчeйн для тecтa. Moгy дaть кoнтaкты, ибo пoлoвинa paзpaбoтчикoв к кoтopым oбpaщaлиcь или дaвнo ycнyли, или нe xoтят cвязывaтьcя.