Do you have any guarantee that Solve Media will pay that amount (to you or to new owner)?
Did you received any payment from them before?
I don't understand how a withdrawal can take 2 month to complete? I suppose your country is in the same galaxy?
Solve Media is 100% legit site that is the thing only I can say.
I have not done anything wrong, so there is no reason that solve media will not pay.
I have never submitted the tax form (mandatory). So there will be no doubt from solve media that the account is being sold.
The new owner only need to fill the tax form & cheque receiving address in order to receive the cheque.
I had two sites, and I used solve media for captcha. Currently my both sites are down.
As I have mentioned above that I have never filled the tax form, so the payment was never released to me.
The time frame I mentioned earlier, is just a assumption.
Once upon a time, I read in a blog (adsense related blog) that, to receive payment by cheque takes about 2 months.
7 days to 14 days to receive the cheque and 1 month plus time to get payment from the local bank. Because local bank will collect the money from the cheque issuer bank. And few months back I also read in a blog that my country's central back declared not to receive any payment by cheque (I am not 100% sure).
If you had read my earlier post then you already know that I need money for 1 of my "need".
So my "need" has a time. If I can't sale within that time then I will go to my local bank personally and talk about this matter to receive the payment.
Sounds like the buyer of this account might have the same setbacks to cash out as you do. If he also wants to buy e-currency with it, a ~10% discount isn't very alluring.
Same setbacks as I have to do.
The buyer must fill the tax form in order to receive the cheque.
What buyer will do next & next that is I don't know.
I think this is too risky to pay $1,000 up front for a $100 profit. There is no guarantee Solve Media will payout the balance. With that being said they have always paid me, but I still think it's a risk you are going to find very few people want to take
You have received payments from solve media and now you are showing your doubt against solve media in my selling thread? WEIRD!
Lets see some more days, who knows someone may be interested to buy...
And one thing to mention herein is, I will refund 100% money to the buyer if the buyer do not receive the cheque. And the buyer will return my account. CRYSTAL CLEAR!