http://btc-stars.comWe want to welcome you to BTC-Stars which is similar to a couple of other BitCoin websites already setup - only better

. The concept is very simple and most of you will have seen this type of thing before. You purchase a BTC-Star for a certain amount, the price is increased and re-listed on the site for another user to purchase. When it is re-sold the previous owner will receive their FULL payment back PLUS 65% of the increase, which works out to be just over 30% of their first purchase. No-one can every lose BitCoins as long as the BTC-Star keeps on selling and we WILL NOT stop re-listing the BTC-Star EVER!
Now what makes our site unique and special is that when the BTC-Star goes on to sell again and again and again, the owner picks up a % of each of the next 3 three sales. The previous owner will pick up a further 15%, 10% and 5% as it sells. With all the calculations and maths worked out, anyone who buys a BTC-Star will receive over 60% profit of their initial purchase.
Also unlike other websites, we do no reset the BTC-Stars on a daily basis nor pump up the price ourselves. All transactions are recorded and viewable in Blockchain. New BTC-Stars will be added every so often but will NEVER be removed.
The more people buying, the more people make money, spread the word and get involved. Feedback is welcomed - positive below - negative privately ha ha
