Then great, go ahead!
A lot of the current states are not doing the best job, I can agree.
But as far as I can see there was never a single successful state using your ideals before. The internet (and also Bitcoin) gives new possibilties, but you will have to proof your concepts, if you ever want to win people's trust to your ideas.
Discrediting and blaming the current system is easy, doing it better is very very difficult.
That's just it; we couldn't if we wanted to. There's no place on this planet in which the state does not creep. The only place I can think of currently is Somalia, but I predict, if they improve enough, and enough people leave to go live there, they'll get tossed around by some country's government or another and a state will be installed against people's will, until they tire themselves out and finally accept whichever country decides to take over.
That's why we need people to understand why the alternative is better. To change the status quo, we need people. No individual can begin a society. Not a hundred people. Not a thousand people. It takes a large effort, and to uproot the state, you need a huge amount of people, a nation's worth, all on the same page, all educated to a point where the state is unnecessary. As long as state proponents outweigh state opponents, there's not a lot of choice in the matter. That's the point. That's the state. There's no choice in the matter.