I feel like if you want to invest 1-1.3 million dollars you would be doing more research on your own rather than asking a random internet forum about it.
1. 10ph = 1 million dollars in S9s (~900)
2. $70/month hosting average per unit ($63k/mo hosting)
3. Any hosting facility with the ability to host these will want a minimum of 3 months hosting in advance (~190k)
4. Good luck finding reliable hosting company that can handle 1.3+ megawatts of systems
5. S9s have high failure rates and require a fair amount of maintenance.
6. In an absolutely perfect world your ROI would be around 200 days. Chances are with S9s it will be more like 270 days of hashing. Lets say another 30-45 days for shipping/setup/etc before they even get turned on.
These are extremely rough estimates on everything but it should give you an idea of what to expect if you tried to pull something like this off.
Thanks very much for your inputs.
Yes just went through a few calculations, 270 Days is what I am expecting.
Infact I also went through historical data since halving in july, 2016 till date and result shows the same, provided I keep selling btc daily as and when it comes. Holding BTC and than selling after a few months and it is a different scenario altogether.
I think what we witnessed in last 10 months was also very rough
1. Bitfinex Hack
2. Segwit- BU dilemma
3. ETF rejection
If in coming future if such type of movements get repliecated than too we still good at 270-300 days ROI which I consider is decent enough.
Also the Difficulty is stabalizing as more and more money gets into mining.
From 1Eh/s to 2Eh/s in Bitcoin Network it has taken hardly 2 months, but moving from 4 Eh/s to 8 Eh/s, I guess it will take a little around a year.
Anyways thanks for writing out!!
If you're really willing to put that crazy an amount of money into Bitcoin mining, I would say that Antminers probably are a good choice, despite how evil BITMAIN is.
If you can get a place with really low electricity costs, you'll be able to buy Avalon miners instead, which have a fairly high hashrate. In bulk, maybe you could get either unit cheaper.
When you say Low electricty, what figure do you mean?
Something like below 0.05$ per unit?
Well not unfortunately.
But I wish if Avalon can make miners more efficient
Thanks for your inputs. It really helps!!